Site News
Below is news and site update information for
the TerraMagnetoScope and GON Network
Updates [Last Site Modification: 20 February 2008]
- 20 Feb 2008
soon have the NEW Magnetic Sensors available as soon as we finish
working out a few bugs! Will be great as participants will NOT have to
bury their sensor deeply into the ground to protect it from swinging
- 18
July 2007
We are
working towards adding the new NASA Stereo Satellite feeds to the site as new
vector feeds! Good things!
- 8 July 2007
We are completely re-designing
the Network sensor suite and the network sensors themselves to add 1 NanoTesla
sensitivity. Also, we will be adding a series of radio telescopes as input
data vectors soon! So things may be up and down over the summer, I apologize
for this but it's necessary to add the new
- 20 January 2007
All Fixed
now! the sensor network is apparently very vulnerable to certain specific
network path's being interrupted, I will build in some backup redundant paths
to limit this in the future.
- 8 January 2007
are experiencing problems with the data feeds; please be patient until we can
get the network outage fixed. I will update as soon as the situation
- 10 August 2006
Updated the GRSSAL to
allow the user the ability to specify date-time range. I will continue to
improve the Intuitive nature of the GRSSAL while searching for more real-time
scientific data feeds.
- 15 July 2006
In the spirit of giving
back some to the Perl Community AND hopefully enable the export of the
aggregation/limn engine as a service I am working on a pure Perl Module to
encompass the functions and provide a semi-object oriented access model for
external service connectivity.
- 10 July 2006
Beta GRSSAL open for all users, still fixing many small
glitches and bugs... no show stoppers at this time, enjoy!
- 2 July 2006
GRSSAL engine is available to GON Site Owners. Development of this new
real-time, multi-sensor aggregation engine is coming along well. Only have 4
Data Types (sensor vectors) to correlate currently [1. Magnetic Flux Readings
from the 5 GON Sites, 2. Solar Wind Speed and 3. Proton Density, and 4.
Seismic (earthquake) data all overlaid onto
(GRSSAL - Global Realtime Scientific Sensor Aggregation Limn
is pronounced "Grissel") (Limn - to outline or depict
in clear sharp detail )
- 6 June 2006
Ingesting data from the ACE Solar Wind Satellite Sensor and
USGS Global Seismic network of sensors preparing for the implementation of the
- 28 May 2006
Added many 3D Charts (Makes Sensor Data Visualization Much
Added Solar Wind Data
Courtesy the NASA ACE Program (I hope to work for NASA someday!)
- 23 May 2006
Day Magnetic Flux AND temp Graphs Available!
We now have 48hour, 30
day, and now, 90 Flux/Temp graphs available for analysis of the earth's
magnetic field!
- 20 May 2006
have added many "Bit Propulsion By Perl" images to our website to promote Perl
advocacy. We created the slogan using a Perl program and plodding thru various
permutations of " Perl", How's that for irony :>)
- 18 May 2006
Students and amateur scientist begin studying the earths
magnetic field using TerraMagnetoScope!
A few folks are trying to
determine if there is a correlation between the geomagnetic field and seismic
events. Also of note, the first multi-sensor graphs are available in the "Mag
Flux Sensors Graphs" area. So far only 48 hour/30 Day graphs are available.
- 1 May 2006
The TerraMagnetoScope is
running in its own webspace (instead of sub-domain) in an
initial operating capacity, [running with minimal capability].
- 14 April 2006
Initial, real-time data
network infrastructure in place, working on building some display graphs for
multiple sites.
- 8 Feb 2006
Started ingesting GON Network
Data [Thanks Craig!]
- 4 January 2006
Formalized concept to
further student/amateur scientist understanding and analysis of the
Geomagnetic Field. Studied, several Global magnetic networks, settled on using
GON. Hope to aggregate many types of sensor data at once (in addition to GON
Mag Field data).
Bug Fixes
- 10 August 2006
Found a couple of
small date-time bugs in the GRSSAL, fixed them and updated it to Version
- 10 June 2006
Fixed Graph Hangs from
GRSSAL Beta aggregation engine (way too many problems to post!).
- 16 May 2006
Fixed fixed (removed)
Javascript vector selection in main forms (causing problems for folks with
older browsers/systems).
- 11 May 2006
Fixed bug in the remote data
acquisition processors that crashed several other things when data was
seemingly not available.
- 4 May 2006
Fixed a GD Graphing
inconsistency. (silly mistake).
- 7 April 2006
Patched new server and
reinstalled database server, Perl to provide separate platform for and data.
- 16 March 2006
Fixed bug in the last
48hours sql remote query tool.
- 9 March 2006
Fixed bug causing Malformed
GD Graphs being created with inverted data.
- 11 Feb 2006
Fixed glitch in Remote/Local
Data vector ingestion routines (dupe data attempted to be submitted to remote